Stella Lightheart, artist


Hi, I'm Stella. I paint because it's magic. With a few brush strokes, I can transport myself to another world – or create one from scratch. I paint because it's a way to express myself and share my thoughts and feelings with others. And I paint because it makes me happy.

Stella Lightheart, original paintings in her studio space

Every time I sit down with my inks, I enter a state of flow where all worries vanish, and I become one with my art. For me, painting is a form of meditation, a way to connect with my higher self. When I paint, I feel at peace and know that everything is possible.

What My Day Looks Like

Stella Lightheart, abstract painter

About my Process

I often tell people that I paint magic. Not the kind of magic that includes waving wands or speaking spells, but magic nonetheless. Working with inks, I focus on channelling the feeling of a place or state. For me, art is all about channelling emotion and creating a sense of connection. Inks are my chosen medium because of their ability to flow and change shape. By working with inks, I want to create magic that everyone can enjoy.

I find myself inspired by the most unlikely of things - Celtic mythology and Californian sunshine. The ancient tales of gods and heroes have always captivated my imagination, and there is something about the sun-drenched coastline of California that just makes me feel happy. Perhaps it is the contrast between the two - the endless blue skies and the green fields of Ireland, or the wild sea and the gentle waves of the Pacific. Whatever it is, I am grateful for both sources of inspiration in my life.